1. Django Forms 1

    Tutorial on how to use forms in Django

    This story will show how to use forms in Django.


    I'm working on an Ubuntu 20.04, Django 3.1.1 and django-extensions 3.0.9 for good measure.

    This will not be a complete from zero to hero tutorial, rather …

    Tagged as : django forms
  2. Sanic Web Tutorial Part 2 - Templates

    In Part 2 we will setup Sanic to render html templates.

    Install and setup Jinja2 extension

    We will enable our application to render Jinja2 templates. Jinja2 is a template engine developed by Armin Ronacher (the developer of Flask and many other things) and documentation for the project can be found …

    Tagged as : sanic web tutorial
  3. Sanic Web Tutorial Part 1

    Welcome to my Sanic Web Tutorial where you will learn to use the async web framework Sanic to create and deploy your own website.


    I assume that you are familiar with using Python and virtualenv, but you do not need to be an expert. You should be able to …

    Tagged as : sanic web tutorial
  4. Vagrant, Ansible and Posgtresql

    How to setup Vagrant, Ansible and Postgresql

    In this story I’ll be setting up Vagrant with a Postgresql server provisioned by Ansible. The setup will be pretty bare bone, so don’t use it as a blueprint for a production setup.

    Setup Vagrant

    Create a file named ‘Vagrantfile’ in …

    Tagged as : vagrant deployment
  5. Django's select_related

    How does Django's select_related works and when should you use it?

    What problem does it solve?

    Django's select_related() solves the problem when you want to access related fields on a queryset. Assume the models:

    from django.db import models
    class Author(models.Model):
        name = models.CharField(max_length=250)
    class Book …
    Tagged as : django orm

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